The conference agenda includes lectures as well as poster sessions.
The list of confirmed speakers is as follows:
Laszlo Barabasi, University of
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
The Architecture of Complexity: Structure and Modularity in Cellular Networks
Michael Savageau, University of California, Davis, CA
Function, Design, and Construction of Gene Circuitry
Shakhnovich, Harvard University, Boston, MA
Imprint of Evolution on Protein Structural Universe
Adam Arkin, University
of California, Berkeley, CA
Playing Practical Games with Bacteria and Viruses. Exploring the Molecular Mechanisms behind Clever Cellular Stratagems
Bussemaker, Columbia University, New York, NY
Integrative Modeling of mRNA Expression and Transcription Factor Binding Data
Greg Dewey, Keck
Graduate Institute, Claremont, CA
Network Analysis of Gene Expression Time Series
Mikhail Gelfand, State Scientific Center "GosNIIGenetica", Moscow, Russia
Riboswitches: Possibly the Oldest Regulatory System
M. Elizabeth Halloran, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA
Graph Theory and Community Structure in Infectious Disease Models
Martijn Huynen,
University of Nijmegen, Nijmeegse, Netherlands
Scale-free, Small-world Interaction Networks: Applications for Function Prediction and a Neutral Scenario for their Evolution.
Eugene Koonin,
NCBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Simple Stochastic Birth and Death Models of Genome Evolution: Was There Enough Time for Us to Evolve?
Jun Liu, Harvard
University, Boston, MA
BPPS: An algorithm for analyzing protein sequence alignments
Sergei Maslov, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, New York, NY
Detecting Topological Patterns in Protein Networks
Shmuel Pietrokovski, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Conserved Networks of Interactions Within Protein Structures.
Rzhetsky, Columbia University, New York, NY
On Truth, Pathways and Interactions
Richard Solé, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Emergence and Selection in Genome Evolution
Eric Sonnhammer,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Orthologous protein domains in eukaryotes
John Tyson, Virginia Polytechnic, Blacksburg, VA
Computational Cell Biology: From Molecular Networks to Cell Physiology
Dennis Vitkup, Harvard University, Boston, MA
The Optimality, Expression, and Robustness of Cellular Metabolic Networks
Andreas Wagner, University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
The large-scale structure of genetic networks: design, history, or (mere) chemistry?
White, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Building Developmental Networks Genome-wide in Drosophila
Jodel Bader,
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MY
A Genome-scale Protein Interaction Map for Drosophila melanogaster
Roland Krause,
Cellzome, Heidelberg, Germany
A Comprehensive Set of Protein Complexes by Cluster Analysis of High Throughput Biochemical Purifications in Yeast
Leonid Mirny,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Protein Complexes and Functional Modules in Molecular Networks